Czech Republic, Prague
Klimentská 34, 110 00
Store Hours
Tuesday - Friday:
9:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00
BLACK FRIDAY 24 th of November 15% discount
Monday: closed
To chose :
• litchi, raspberry crémeux, raspberries, litchi biscuit
• vanilla, meringue, raspberries, raspberry biscuit
• chocolate mousse, raspberries, passion fruit, blueberry biscuit
• Victoria
ruby chocolate, cranberry crémeux, cranberries, raspberry biscuit
Team Café Millème
Adina, Daniel, Valexia
The aim of our team is share our pleasure with others by allowing them to discover new sensations. When we dream up a pastry, we know precisely what the taste scenario will be, which flavor will come first, making way for another.
The success of all of the creations we offer to our clients is due to the quality of products we use, the structure brought by our knowledge of French pâtisserie, the composition based on inspiration from worldwide recipes, the imagination by our love and respect to nature.
#discoverthetaste of world flavours
The most important thing in the production at Café Millème is the highest quality of the ingredients from all over the world that we use, because our aim is to give a chance to ''discover the taste'' and to give the sensation of new flavours. Even when you taste something you know but in a different combination with other flavours it also can be a discover.
We are creating unique recipes for you
To make your event special make a reservation to meet our Executive Pastry Chef
Na zlatém prolamovaném papírku mám před sebou naservírovanou sladkou fialovou kopuli. Čekám, že pod lžičkou křupne, a zákusek se rozpadne. Příbor ale do dezertu zajede a na lžičce zůstane vrstva tvarohu, borůvkové pěny a drobečky ořechového piškotu. Takhle chutná Praha podle receptu původem kyrgyzské cukrářky Adiny Agakishievy. Svým řemeslem neokouzluje jen mlsné zákazníky, kteří procházejí nedaleko pražského Petrského náměstí.
Le succès de la pâtisserie praguoise à Paris 2018
La pâtisserie Café Millème de Prague a confirmé sa réputation d´excellence et célébré son succès au concours international de pâtisserie Relais&Desserts Charles Proust à Paris 2018.
C’est la première fois que la République Tchèque était représentée au concours international de pâtisserie Relais&Desserts Charles Proust, qui se tient tous les deux ans à Paris au Salon du Chocolat, depuis 1953. Adina Agakishieva, chef pâtissier de Café Millème à Prague (Klimentská 34), la seule femme présente dans le concours, a honorablement défendu les couleurs de Prague. Toutes nos félicitations !
Store Hours
Tuesday - Friday:
9:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00
BLACK FRIDAY 24 th of November 15% discount
Monday: closed